Sweet Sobriety CRAVINGS Foundations Module Preview

Preview Module 3 from Sweet Sobriety Foundations

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Course Summary

Craving Management (Module 3) of Sweet Sobriety focuses on understanding and managing cravings in food addiction recovery. The module emphasizes that cravings are a natural part of the recovery journey and provides insights into their psychological, emotional, and physiological origins.

We hope you find useful information and tools in this preview! If you wish to join us for the full FOUNDATIONS experience, we would love to have you!

Sweet Sobriety Foundations is 12 Modules to introduce you to Addiction Treatment based on the founder's clinical experience and research findings.

Within this HOMESTUDY course you will get:
Hours of pre-recorded psychoeducation
Downloadable worksheets and resources
Evidence based treatment interventions and recovery management strategies
Access to licensed/registered clinicians who treat addiction using neuroscience and best-practices 

Course Summary

Introduction Module – myfas 2.0
*Where do you fall on the spectrum – mild, moderate, severe
*What does this mean for my recovery?

Module 1 – Understanding Ultra-processed food addiction and Introducing Mindful Eating
*Video 1: Sample low-exposure food plans for men and women & how to create your own, How to Get Started Introduction Package Download, Understanding why some people become addicted to certain foods while others don't? Food Addiction versus Eating Disorders
*Video 2: What is Mindful Eating? Practices to help you implement Mindful Eating, Arriving at food, Awakening to the food, Tuning In to the body, Service with food, How to Determine Hunger and Fullness, 5 S’s of Mindful Eating
*Critical Questions to help you examine Why, When, What, Where & How you Eat

Module 2 - Abstinence/Withdrawal & Biochemical Repair
*How to identify your Red, Yellow, and Green Light Foods, Behaviors & Substances  
*Managing Post Acute Withdrawal
*The Importance of Biochemical Repair – Supplements, Sleep Hygiene, Breathing
*Understanding our Neurotransmitters – How to Care, Repair & Optimize them

Module 3 – Craving and Recovery Management
*Video 1: Triggers – Trigger Management. The importance of knowing your High-Risk Factors for Seemingly Unimportant Decisions you make every day *Video 2: Craving, Response, and Reward – Craving Coping Skills – Physical & Emotional, Changing Unhelpful Behaviors, Mastery Imagery, Cognitive Interventions, Non- Contingent Reinforcement, Reward Replacement
*Video 3: Recovery Management – Guiding Principles, Planning for a Slip, Permission to be Human Action Plan, Making Slips Your Superpower

Module 4 – Cross Addiction
*What does it look like?
*Sensitization & Relapse Neuroplasticity  
*Identify your Cross Addiction Pathway – Arousal, Numbing, Fantasy, Deprivation

Module 5 – Building Hope and the Importance of Resilience 
*Video 1: The Constructs of Hope: Agency & Pathways, 5 Pathways to Hope, Importance of Resilience in Recovery
*Video 2: Personal Stories of Recovery from Sweet Sobriety members, 3 Exercises to help you Build Hope  

Module 6 - Distress Intolerance - Addressing Thoughts and Feelings
*Video 1: Core Beliefs & Core Beliefs Workbook, Identify the “Rules” you live your life by that are keeping you stuck, A CBT approach to changing your Core Beliefs
*Video 2: Addressing Automatic Negative Thoughts, Unhelpful Thinking Styles, How to use a Thought Record to Change Unhelpful Thinking, How to Face our Feelings (accept distress)  

Module 7 - Stress Management
*Video 1: Stress, Eating, & Ultra-Processed Food Addiction, Top 3 Reasons Individuals Return to Use, How the Body Responds to Stress, Sources of Stress, Stress Symptoms Checklist, Stress & Food Selection  
*Video 2: Distress Improvement Activities, Building Better Coping Skills, Creating Your Holistic Self-Care Plan, Improving Distress Workbook  

Module 8 - Emotional Eating, Management, and Sobriety
*Video 1: How Does Emotional Eating Present Itself, Emotional Eating Theories, How are Emotions Made – Body Budgeting, How to Maintain a Balanced Body Budget, Steps to Address Emotional Eating – The 3 D’s, Primary and Secondary Emotions  
*Video 2: How to Identify your Feelings and Then Meet Your Needs, How to Examine Your External & Internal Resources, How to Soothe Without Food, Practice Self-Validation, The Importance of Emotional Intelligence & Emotional Granularity, Managing the Emotions of Addictions & Worry – Signal or Noise Worksheet  

Module 9 – Building Self Compassion  
*Video 1: What is Self-Compassion? The Compassion Scale, The Three Elements of Self-Compassion, Self-Compassion Phrases, Why Self-Esteem is a Faulty Measuring Stick  
*Video 2: Tender Self-Compassion Tools, How to Practice a Tender Self-Compassion Break, How to Change Critical Self-Talk & Identify What YOU Really Want
*Video 3: Fierce Self-Compassion Tools & Workbook  

Module 10 - Moving Towards Body Neutrality
*Video 1: Building Body Acceptance, How Poor Body Image Develops & is Maintained, Appearance Preoccupation, Checking and Reassurance-Seeking Behaviors, Training Your Attention, Avoidance and Safety Behaviors, How to Build Up Body Image  
*Video 2: Body Neutrality, Body Neutrality VS Body Positivity, Body Neutrality ABC’s, 5 Steps Towards Body Neutrality  

Module 11 – Spirituality Exploring Spirituality, Connecting, Contributing, & Coping in Recovery  
*7 Stages of Spiritual Development, Spiritual Practices  
*Cultivating Empathy & Compassion, Practice Forgiveness  
*Spiritual Wellness Check, Spirituality, Substance Use, and Recovery  

Course Curriculum